What power options do Calesco waterbed heaters come in?
170W and 325W
What temperatures correspond to the controller dial settings?
1=70ºF, 2=75ºF, 3=80ºF, 4=85ºF, 5=90ºF, 6=95ºF, 7=100ºF
What do I do if my waterbed is not getting warm enough?
Check that you have the 325W high power model heater, WB6405. In some colder areas a single 325 watt waterbed heater may not be able to maintain a temperature above 90 degrees in some waterbeds. This effect is most noticeable in king size full motion or deep fill waterbed mattresses and mattresses with only a few fiber layers. If you need a heat setting over 90 degrees two heaters are recommended for the above criteria.
How long is the warranty for a Calesco waterbed heater?
5 years limited warranty, see instruction manual for more information.
What does it mean when my red LED light is blinking?
It is a heating feedback signal checking the temperature of the water at the heaters location to determine if the heater needs to continue to produce heat.
How long should it take for my waterbed to reach temperature setting?
This can take 48-72 hours depending on the mattress size, the temperature of the water used to fill the mattress, and the temperature inside the room. Process can be sped up by circulating the water and adding adequate covering. Make sure the dial is turned to full power position (dial setting 7) initially, but do not force the dial to spin past setting number 7 as this will break the dial and cause operating failure.
What is considered packaging?
The cardboard, clear plastic wrapping, rubber band, printed instruction book, and flyer. The coating and white tape on the heater are NOT packaging. DO NOT REMOVE.
Why does the red LED light NOT come on when I plug in my heater?
What is the minimum purchase order quantity?
Calesco only supplies to OEM companies and requires a one box minimum order. One box includes 14 heaters.
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