- It just makes sense!
Energy = Money. Backer measurement and control devices minimize energy losses. Backer offers measurement and control solutions like energy regulators and thermostats, but also more advanced technology with various integrated control and sensors in the circuit, as well as soft starters and inverters.
These measurement and control devices can be added to most of our heating products, and like our heating elements, are fully customized to your specific needs.
With our measurement and control devices you are guarenteeing that the heating products are running optimally with better precision and therefore higher effeciency. You will recieve a more complete solution that does not compromise performance with the added benefit of caring for our planet and the enviroment that we all share.
Join us on our path for a more sustainable future!
In addition to basic heating elements we also have intelligent heating. If you add one of our control and measurement solutions to your heating device, it will not only ensure that no unnecessary heat is lost, but you will also reduce operating costs, and impact on the environment.
BACKER HEATING TECHNOLGIES · 1390 Gateway drive · ELGIN · TEL: 1-847-931-1304
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